Creating An Introduction For An APA Research Paper In Literature

When one writes an introduction for an APA research paper literature, a lot of ideas may seem confusing. Studies for literature are broad and complex to narrow down. But you don’t have to give up. Here is a step by step process for creating an introduction for your paper.

The Abstract Format

Usually, your introduction is also your abstract. The steps to writing one in the APA format goes as follows:

  1. Make a new page after the Title page
  2. Make sure it has a page header. Note: Your page header has a running head or the short version of your research’s title and the main title.
  3. On the first line write the word “Abstract” and put it in the center. It should not be bold, italicized, underlined, or in quotation marks.
  4. Write the abstract. This should be a 150-250 word summary of your topic, method, data analysis, results, and conclusions.
  5. Indent and write the keywords.

Literature Perspectives to Consider

Because of the wide possibilities you can encounter when writing about literature, you must narrow it down. Below are possible focuses you may consider:

  • Author’s background- The author’s background may have influenced the piece of literature’s style The time period the work was written in history and according to the genre. The time it was written is an indicator of the work’s setting and tone. Genres have also time periods wherein the style was prominent.
  • Genre’s characteristics and quality
  • Themes according to critics and readers
  • Interpretation of Symbols and Motifs
  • Character Analysis
  • Plot Criticism
  • Comparison to other works of the same genre
  • Relevance to society
  • Author’s Purpose

In-text Citation Checklist

When citing in-text references or sources, you ought to have this checklist in mind:

  • Did I capitalize all proper nouns?
  • In the titles, are all four and more lettered words capitalized?
  • After dashes and colons, are the words capitalized?
  • Are the titles of longer works italicized or underlined?
  • Are the titles of shorter works enclosed with quotation marks?

A literature paper may be a head-scratcher. With these steps and tips, you have now discovered a great way to start your work. You will be able to find that the exploration and elaboration of literature words easier with the insights drawn from this article. You should download a copy for your gadgets and share it with friends.