How To Write A Research Paper In University: Tips And Tricks

Writing a university research paper is a bit tricky one since that can be a proving point for your eligibility in carrying out further studies. And, in order to that, you must follow certain guidelines. Let’s discuss in detail. The first and foremost thing is you must choose a subject and narrow down on the variables of the subject that you are really interested. For this, you need to sit with your invigilator and discuss what topics have a practical approach in today’s society. Go through your syllabus beforehand, so that it becomes easy for your invigilator to discuss the matter with you.

Now, let us discuss what the formats of writing a research paper are:

  • Organization and Introduction:
  • Introduce the topic upon which you will conduct the further work. Prepare a smart introduction that can keep your readers hooked to your study.

  • Literature review:
  • Write a brief literature review for your research; be liberal in the references you put. Jot down the important points related to your work by going through the books, updated journals and links on the web. Write down your literature review in such a manner that your reader understands your motive behind the empirical work.

  • Data Analysis:
  • Then comes the data analysis section where you use statistical measures and techniques to represent the data collected in a quantitative form. Follow up with a list of adjacent report, so that your reader understands what you mean to say.

    Use footnotes on every page of the report you write because many invigilators want to see that you have a thorough idea about the work you are doing. It is also a good way to show your readers the reference works you have done so that they don’t need to take the pain of going to the end of the paper to see the bibliography.

  • Conclusion:
  • Conclude the whole write up by summarizing the entire write-up. Never introduce any new topic here but make it short so that your reader readily understands what you meant to prove your thesis.

  • Appendices:
  • Make a list of all the bibliographical references including the links to the websites which you have referred to for the review of the literature and write them at the end of the paper.

This is the main format of writing a dissertation paper in the university. For reference, you can always check the net for sample dissertations that are uploaded in abundance. If you have a time constraint, you can always look for a freelance writer online who will handle all the requirements of your thesis.